Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Giraffe of a Different Color

The #1 son keeps company with a little gal who has a "thing" for giraffes. Everyone has their favorite non-human creature, but Becci is the first person I've met who favors giraffes. 

So I was walking into the Dollar Store a couple of weeks before Christmas and smack dab in the middle of the entryway was a bin filled with plastic zoo animals.  Including giraffes. Without hesitation I grabbed two (two is always better than one) not knowing exactly what I would do with them, but confident I would. Do something or other with them. They came home and sat in the bag in the closet waiting for inspiration to strike me.

I was looking through one of the " too many" catalogs that flood the mailbox before Christmas and came across some funky ornaments. Animals accessorized with hats, purses, & shoes jumped off the page at me. It was time to begin. 

Spray paint was the first step - well, more like a dozen steps - those brown giraffe spots didn't want to stay under cover. And hitting all those hidden parts was a challenge. Then I decided I preferred a matte to a glossy surface so that was a bit more spraying. 

Now what? I had a cylinder of five rolls of coordinated red tape so decided to play around with that.  Decorated the neck, legs, and torso with tape, added a bit of red nail polish for the feet and horns (actually called "ossicones" and both males and females have them), some red glitter glue on the mane and tail and . . . Voila!  A Christmas (and possible Valentine's Day) giraffe. 

It elicited an "I love it!" from the giraffe fan, so all was good. 

And I have a spare that can be embellished with a different color for that green beer day in March!

Have a sparkling day!

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